Smartcity, Logistics Radars

A Smart City applies information and communication technology to aim for the goal of having infrastructure and services to guarantee sustainable development, increased quality of life for citizens and greater resource efficiency...

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Smartcity, Logistics Radars

Water management, multipurpose radars

Our society depends entirely on water resources in terms of drinking water, the use of household, industrial and agricultural production, so the strategy of water resources management should be based on the...

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Water management, multipurpose radars

Ports 4.0 – Smart Port Radars

Ports have gone through a structural and functional evolution over the past decades, and they’re vital for a well-functioning global economy. The shipping industry has experienced significant growth, but to accommodate future...

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Ports 4.0 – Smart Port Radars

Industry 4.0

Globalization and competitiveness are forcing companies to rethink and to innovate their production processes. It means using new production technology, new machinery, new materials, and new inputs. The industry is undergoing transformation...

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Industry 4.0

Biosensing & eHEALTH

The Biosensing and eHealth Multipurpose Radar is a breakthrough solution that has revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing a non- invasive and accurate way of monitoring vital signs, such as heart rate...

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Biosensing & eHEALTH

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